Thursday, October 27, 2011

The pen is mightier then whips and chains

        I will start this by letting you all know my family income is under $50,000 a year.  I am a driver and my wife takes care of the kids.  I am by no means wealthy.  I write this because I now know how this country treats the wealthy.  So here we will start with a history lesson.  In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president though highly opposed by the Democrats who were proponents of slavery.  The Democrats would show there strong belief in slavery by seceding from the union.  As everyone knows they lost and slavery was abolished for a time.  Though the party who wanted it still existed.  Down the road they would make sure slavery came back to never again be abolished. 
      It took them a long time to pull it off and a new level of education but they did it.  Here is how.  First they looked at slavery in a different way.  By excepting that you don't need whips and chains to enslave as long as people don't know they are slaves they don't care so much.  So to do this you can't take everything from your slaves.  To do this you need a higher caliber slave.  Instead of uneducated field workers who could yield you maybe $20000 each annually by taking everything they make.  They chose to go after the best of the best and take 20% to 40% of what they make. 
     This new system is working great and has a new name redistribution.  It has all the helpful aspects of slavery without the backlash.  Lets look a little closer.  Slavery you had to make sure your  slaves work and if they work well you treat them better.  Redistribution your slaves work hard to give there family a good life and the harder they work the worse you treat them by taking more of what they earn.  Slavery had an apathetic view by the public who many pushed for abolition.  Redistribution slaves are hated by the public and constantly ask to give more. 
    Who are these new slaves.  They are likely you neighbors and friends.  Anyone household that is making over $80,000 a year.  They are paying $20,000 a year in taxes.  This means they are paying the equivalent of what slaves earned for there masters to the government and they still have to take care of themselves.  So if slavery was wrong for any reason other then not having more valuable slaves so you didn't have to take everything cause they have more to give then redistribution is wrong for all those same reasons.  So next time you hear class war fair feel sorry for the rich cause they are the governments slaves. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Back with 14 and a song about losers

Number 14 is Tennessee helped  greatly by a 26.1% smoking rate making it the third highest.  With that they and spending 16.3 billion on entitlements makes it able to save 2.12 billion.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A gateway

As many people know Hank Williams Jr compared in an off way Obama to Hitler.  Now some found that offensive but those people need to look a little close.  Hitler is best know for his killing the Jews which was horrible.  Though with every figure you must look how they bring a nation to believe that is OK.  The Nazis were the National Socialist Party similar to the Democrats in the United States today.  The problem with socialism is you are making promises you cant keep.  The other problem is it is built on class warfare.  In the time of Hitler it was believed that the Jews were the rich.  Other groups such as the Masons and the Mormons were also targets for Hitler cause of there believed wealth.  In America we don't have a single group to single out for wealth the closest we have is the Republican Party which Obama has taken a few stabs at.  Now the other thing that must be looked at is how long it took Hitler in office.  He didn't do all the harsh things in four years.  As Obama is still looking to be reelected he has toned down much of his extreme views.  If he is reelected without the chance of a third term he may go over the line.  Not likely to mass genocide but that takes at least a decade and a preexisting hatred.  In closing I would like to say the gateway to Dictatorship will always be paved with social programs.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lucky number 13

Georgia gets the privilage of number 13.  Though it has the lowest % of smokers in the south at 19.9% with 22 billion in entitlement spending it got high savings of 2.18 billion.  I will take a few days to write other important post so keep checking in for the countdown return.  Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Number 12 with boobs (cause they make everything better)
 The video is for a song called every things better with boobs.  Thought it would be a nice addition to this post and on to number 12 it is Washington.  In spite of a low smoking rate of 19.2% by spending 23.16 billion on entitlements it could save 2.21 billion.  Check in tomorrow to see who is lucky number 13.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Number 11 and a you tube video  I decided to add a video link about 2 of my other posts.  Now to number 11 it was surprisingly Massachusetts though it only has 6.5 million people and only 18.4% of the state smokes it spends 25.5 billion dollars on entitlements bringing it to number 11. See if you can guess number 12.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The big one zero

Ten is a big deal and the honer goes New Jersey.  Though it is the 7th lowest percent of smoking of the 50 states of only 18.8% it spends 29.8 billion dollars on entitlement making it able to save 2.8 billion dollars.  See if you can guess number 11?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Number 9 did you get it right?

North Carolina is where a lot of tobbacco is made so it is a given it would break the top 10.  It came in at number 9 though it doesnt even have 10 million people.  Its smoking rate is 23.1% and they spend 25.9 billion giving a possible savings of almost 3 billion.  Hope your having fun doing this game with your family see who get number 10.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Back for #8

Hope you enjoyed my other posts while you waited for the countdown.  Michigan is number 8 with a savings of 3.17 billion dollars.  Though another state spends more then its 27.4 billion its smoking rate of 23.2% put it in the number 8 position.  See if you can guess number 9.   Good luck.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kids not growing up fast enough

Kids are growing up to fast in all the wrong places and none of the right ways.  I have wonderful parents who gave me an opportunity to do a paper route with my dad at 14.  I got my first real job at 17 and was working full time at 18 which because of our broken education system was appropriate.  I pointed out in my post on education how some would finish school at 12 to 14.  With the problem of no cheap work force children are the answer.  China has many kids working as young as 8.  With the prisoner working program we wont need them to work at 8 but lowering the age to 10 would be a good idea.  With giving kids more responsibility we should also give more freedom.  Allow smoking at 10, drinking and getting married at 12.  Joining the military and drinking at 13.  Buying a home and entering contracts at 16.  By allowing them to grow up faster we get to take advantage of the new baby boom that started about 6 years ago.  While they were young and still living at home they could save and work towards better jobs so when they moved out they would be starting better then those moving out now.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Paying your debt to society part 3

To finish up on death matches it is a choice so it is not cruel or unusual punishment.  Now with bringing up a right protected by the constitution punishment must be carefully considered.   So is it cruel or unusual to ask criminals to do what the rest of us must?  In the bad economy we have seen more and more homeless and hungry but the prisoners have a roof over there head and 3 meals a day.  I feel they should earn that.  If they dont work they dont get food and must have more in each room.  The hardest and best workers get better treatment.  There pay would be low bringing down the cost of making things in America.  They would have an hourly wage set and a cost of living and the hours they work determins how well they live.  Criminals are people and need a purpose rather then just learning to be better criminals.  Soon to be back to states smoking.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who got 7?

Number 7 has a larger population then 4 or 5 it is Illinois with 22.2% smoking.  They spend 38.4 billion on entitlements.  There savings is about 4.26 billion.  Now I am taking a couple days to write other things but keep checking in to see who is #8.

Monday, September 26, 2011

#6 is a give me

Florida was farther down the list then I thought it would be but if you have been following the list you had to expect it with a population of nearly 19 million it is the 4th most populated state.  Though they only spend 44.1 billion on entitlements and a smoking rate of 20.2% and your state is two down from where most would think at a savings of 4.45 billion.  See if you can guess number 7 mabey make a family game out of it check tomorrow to see who wins.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Were you guessing florida for #5

Sorry you were wrong.  With its high population I thought it would be 4th then it wasnt fifth either that went to Pennsylvania with just under 13 million residents it spends 44.9 billion on entitlements add that to a 22.7% smoking rate and the saving go crazy.  5.09 billion dollars.  Lets see if you can get #6 tommorow.  Good Luck

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A surprising number 4

I was surprised to find Ohio as # 4 for savings.  It is because of a smoking rate of 25.8% and entitlements of 42.8 billion.  The savings would be 5.52 billion.  See if you can guess #6

Friday, September 23, 2011

Texas number 3

With a smoking rate of 20.4% and 55 billion it would save 5.61 billion.  You may be surprised by #4 see if you can guess.  Find out tomorrow.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

State number 2

New York is the state that could save the second most.  Only 19.9% of the state but because it spends 99.2 billion on entitlements it would save 9.78 billion each year.  See if you can guess what number three is and check tomorrow if you are correct.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

smoking by state

A lot has been going on in my life so it has been a while since I last wrote so I decided to do for each state how much they could save by cutting there entitlements to smokers.  I will do it by which state would save the most to the state that would save the least.  I got the % of smokers from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the spending from .  I counted pension, health care and welfare as entitlements.  I also figured it as though half smokers quit.  It may come as no surprise that though it  has a low % of smokers of only 14.7% because it spends 136.9 billion dollars and would be able to save just over 10 billion.  Check tomorrow if your state comes next.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Paying your debt to society part 2

How to run death matches.  In addition to the money saving it could bring economic strength to areas recently hurt by recent economic situations.  The six cities I would choose are Las Vegas, Reno, Detroit, Dallas, Atlantic City, and Miami.  I live in Las Vegas and drive on the strip each day I pass a half finished high rise that I would love to see finished with a proposed stadium next door.  I would propose that as the location here and I am betting in high traffic areas of the other cities similar things.  Getting these arenas up and running and the fighters to the areas may take 2 years in which would build those economies.  Once they are up and running they would each day pick 8 people randomly from each stadium. Starting at 8am 2 of the 8 would fight. At the end of the day only one fighter is left. The day 4 winning fighters from monday to Thursday would fight Friday. Then Saturday would be the main event the six cities would take turns hosting it the six winners would be matched. Then every 8 weeks the weekly winners will fight. Then once a year the winners from the 8 week fights will fight and the last years winner will be part of this. This would take care of about 9200 a year using the 5% sign up rate they would all be gone in 11 years. If in that time 0.5% sign up each year that would keep it going forever. If the number drops we offer it in other countries and if the number rises we make more stadiums. Thank you for reading check in again soon.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Paying your debt to society part 1

I could never understand how going to prison is called paying your debt to society.  How does costing society more paying a debt?  If I borrow money from a bank they wont give me a place to stay and three meals a day for five years then say it is clear so why do we do that for criminals?  Many people work two jobs in undesirable conditions to have a place to stay and three meals a day.  As of 2005, there are 2 million people locked up in federal, state, and county facilities. At a cost to tax payers of $32 billion each year.  Much of this is state and local money but if this expense was eliminated the states wouldn't need federal funds.  My solution is make criminals do like the rest of us work or die.  I will talk about the death side first.  Last year UFC made an estimated $200 million and it is an emerging sport.  This gave me an idea why not have criminals do what they are good at killing.  If each criminal was given the choice to fight in death matches and just 5% took it that is 100,000 fighters.  That 5% would save $1.6 billion plus at least $200 million in income.  That's not bad $1.8 billion by offering criminals a new option.  In my next post I will talk of how to run it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The military a great asset

I have the greatest respect for the men and women who serve in the armed services.  Sadly the military is the second largest expence in this country.  As things are being cut we need to find the least painful way to cut the military.  The best way to start saving is to get rid of the recruiting costs of $7.7 billion as of 2008.  The next thing to do will help get more to join without the money.  The government gets with state and local governments near bases and rents out personel to work in the government jobs.  Make the military a stepping stone to get a good job in the police, fire department or other city jobs.  The benefit to the cities is they get to a work force of well diciplined people for half what they are now paying.  We would offer them to work for the cities and state for $12 to $15 an hour.  There are currently 1,445,000 men and women in the military.  If one third of them or about 448,000 were loaned to city and state at about $20,000 it would bring in $8.96 billion a year.  That $8.96 billion with the $7.7 billion is $16.66 billion in cuts and income.  That makes the grand total of all posts about $574 billion more work is needed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I am very fat

When I got married I weighed nearly 300 lbs. and was on the fast track to need a crain to move me from my house.  Married life more appropriately the financial decisons married life had me make helped me loose nearly 100 lbs in the first year.  The reason I got so big was I have wonderful parents who worked hard so there kids didn't have to but also tryed to teach us good work ethic.  This lead to me having a job at 15 with no responsibilities to use the money on.  The other part of the equation is my love for fastfood.  I would go and see what the biggest burgers different places could make.  After I got married I has responsibilities like rent and insurance so fast food become a luxury.  I also at this sametime got a job that that was very physical so I think the weight loss was half of each.   Now I don't blame fast food places for making me fat that was my choice to eat there.  With that said I still would like to tax fast food so people have the the financial reason to stay away.  Last year the people of this great nation spent $100 billion on fast food if we taxed that at 10% and that dropped it to $90  billion spent it would bring in $9 billion. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I hate taxes too.

Sadly my cuts only add up to about $318 billion with a deficit of $1.65 trillion so we need some taxes to make up the difference.  This made me think what tax would hurt the least and get the most.  I saw another big problem  the import deficit.  In April alone we imported $219.2 billion and only exported $175.6 billion leaving a gap of $43.6 billion.  Now my idea in to tax imports at there final sale by 10% and raise it 1% each month there is a deficit and lower it 1% each month we have a surplus.  If this lowers imports by 10% the first  month to $197.3 billion it that would still bring in $19.73 billion. With nearly $20 billion a month that would be about $240 billion a year.  In addition this could make us more competitive making more jobs here.  We need to reawaken  the industrial giant we are.  Though it looks like I have more research to do cause even with the new tax and my cuts it only adds to $558 billion leaving $1.092 trillion.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Divorce sucks

My brother is one of the nicest people in the world.  As I see what he has to go through to see his son it got  to thinking how much divorce sucks.  Though his new girlfriend is way awesome and his ex wife to be nice wasn't a good person.  She left when he got sick.  It turned out he has brain cancer.  To make things worse she served the papers on Fathers Day.  She wasn't very nice during the marriage to my brother but him being the amazing person he is was willing to put up with it for there son.  She wasn't willing to be married to an amazing guy because he was sick.  This made me think how could we help good people avoid the pain of divorce.  It is often said women care more about marriage but they file for divorce two thirds of the time.  This is not the smartest thing for women to do because there are a lot of stats that show women do worse after divorce and man do better.  Though this isn't enough to have women stick around.  I feel we need more reasons to stay.  Though I do feel bad for those who divorce for good reasons like abuse that is not a reason for people like my brother to be hurt.  So I think that the one who files needs to loose more.  First if you file you can not get more then 25% of the assets.  Second they receive less consideration for custody.  The third part is where the the money saving for everyone comes in the one who files looses access to all government entitlements.  Now to how much we save, last year 0.34% of the population got divorces.  Half if those filed or 0.17% and if this cut divorce in half again that in 0.085%.  Now using the 58% spent on entitlements and the 2012 budget of $3.818 trillion the savings would be $1,882,274,000.  Not as much as some of my plans but this doesn't count the other benefits of less divorce.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Children a blessing or a curse part 2

As I said in my last post I learned from going through most of the adoption process that everyone wants babies under 2 not kids.  The reason most said was cause so much of who you are is developed in those two years.  They make a good point so how do we get the children into good homes befor they end up inthe system costing everyone.  First we need to make having a baby mean more.  My wife and I have a friend who does foster care and the hardest thing about it is they try to reunite children with parents who have abused or neglected them.  She almost adopted a little girl and at the last minute they took her away because the grandmother who had shown no interest befor decided she wanted her.  It broke our friends heart.  This futher showed me what a blessing children are.  Sadly the blessing doesnt always come at the best time so those who recieve it dont relize what they have.  To help with this we need to work toward the strong families that made this country great. To do this we need to look at some stats.  In April 2009, the National Center for Health Statistics announced that nearly 40 percent of babies born in the United States in 2007 were delivered by unwed mothers.   The 1.7 million out-of-wedlock births, out of 4.3 million total births.  I think we foster this through the many programs we offer to single mothers.  For that reason we should set a standard that if you have a child out of wedlock and dont put the child up for addoption you loose eligability for all government programs and if you can prove parurnity and show you let the father know so does he.  Since there is a high number of teen births we would need to lower the marriage age to 14.  Though I dont agree with such a young marriage age it would give girls who got pregnant young an option.  With a hope that this leads a third of the girls to get married and another third to put their children up for adoption this still leaves a bit now on to the savings.  With 1.7 million mabey half can prove the father so that in another 850,000 for a total of 2.55 million.  Of that I guessed a third would get married about 850,000 and another third would put the children up for adoption 850,000 leaving 850,000.  Using the same numbers from other posts of population of 307,006,550 that is about 0.25% of the population with entitlements being 58% of the budget that is about 0.16% of the budget.  With the budget at $3.818 trillion that is about $6.13 billion.  That doesn't include the benifit of two parent homes and more abel families for the children put up for adoption.  This is a win win.  Thank for reading check in soon.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Children a blessing or a curse part 1

My two wonderful children are my life.  At times like any parent they frustrate me but I wouldn't trade them for the world.  I got married at 21 and my wife and I wanted to get some things in order before I had children.  While I was getting things in order I got crushed by a truck, I recovered and thought everything was fine.  A while later my wife and I decided we would try and after a year of trying we went to find out why.  We were told something was wrong with me and having children may not be possible and to have any chance we would need a very expensive procedure.  At that point we decided to go the adoption route.  The adoption process is intense and very competitive.  I learned the average wait time is between 9 months and a year.  In addition they have income requirements, finger printing,and back round checks.  This showed me the value of babies.  I found that there are plenty of children in the system cause everyone wants babies not young children.  Luckily for me my wife got pregnant with my son.  I was especially grateful because I don't know how long it would have taken for me with the stiff level of competition.  What does all this have to do with the government I will get to in my next post.  Thank you for reading check in soon.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Drunk driving sucks

As I have shown in my other posts entitlements take up such a large percent of the budget that taking them from the members of society who makes the worst choices is the best way to balance the budget.  The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that in 1996 local law enforcement agencies made 1,467,300 arrests nationwide for driving under the influence of alcohol.  There is no excuse for this which is why drunk drivers are the next group I am going after.  Now if taking away entitlements cuts that number from 1996 in half to 732,650 to bad it is still high but a 50% drop is nice.  On to the savings using the population of 307,006,550 the 732,650 is about 0.2% of the population.  With entitlement at 58% of the budget  that means about 0.13% of the budget is spent on drunk drivers.  With a budget for 2012 at $3.818 trillion that is nearly $5.3 billion dollars and all the lives saved by less drunk driving cant beat it.  Sorry I post randomly so please check everyday incase I get a chance to post.  Thank you for reading. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Freedom isn't free so why do we pay for abortions?

I grew up very pro life though not understanding why other then my faith saw life starting in the womb.  Now this post is about meeting in the middle with the pro choice.  The federal government spends about a billion dollars on abortions and funding for places that offer abortions each year.  This should have even pro choice groups up in arms.  What should make us all even more bothered is that the health care bill has even more funding for this.  If you feel making it illegal won't work as I do or feel that doing so is taking away women's rights then here is a better solution.  First stop the government funding that saves a billion.  Second add a tax for the privilege of doing something that many regard as murder or wrong in some way as they have for smoking and drinking.  I would suggest a $2000 per abortion.  With last years abortions at nearly a million if these new regulations cut that number in half the new tax would generate another billion in addition to the billion saved from not paying for abortions.  The third part is that anyone who has an abortion looses eligibility for entitlement programs.  As of 2009 the us population was at 307,006,550 a half million is about 0.0016% of the population.  Using the 58% spent on entitlement programs the half million get about 0.000928% of the budget or with the budget of $3.818 trillion that is about $3.5 billion.  That is a total of $5.5 billion in savings to help stop abortion.  Some may say this will lead to unwanted children I will address this in my next post.  Thanks for reading read again soon. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Abstinence there's another billion

 I was a virgin till marriage,  I would like to tell you it was because I have high moral fortitude but that would be a lie.  I had all the outside help a person could ask for great parent, church and a program at school to push abstinence.  Though these things were nice I would have had sex had the opportunity arisen in spite of the consequences.  What kept me from having sex was i was so fat, ugly and annoying I was six times more likely to win the lottery then get laid.  So why share this on a political blog because I found out a few days ago that the government spends a billion dollars a year on abstinence programs.  If these programs worked to keep kids from having sex and by doing so keeping down teen pregnancy and abortion it may be worth it.  Sadly 50% of Americans have sex before marriage.  As some who falls into this category I bet another 45% don't have a chance so maybe 5% make a decision to abstain.  If that 5% all were caused by the abstinence programs would you spend a billion on anything that only worked 5% of the time.  I propose a better option is to save the billion dollars and have better ways to take care of these children born to teens and stop the abortions they have these I will talk about in my next post.  Thank you for reading check in soon to see new posts.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Better education but how?

I live in Nevada and am the father of 2 wonderful children.  The state of Nevada ranks 45th on per pupil spending.  In 2006 the state spent $7345 per pupil.  Though this doesn't tell the whole story,  we have a dismal graduation rate of only 47.3%.  That makes the cost per graduating pupil at about $15528.54.  There are many reasons for this but I wont get into them because I think my solution will fix most of them.  I went to insurance school a while back and watching how it was run gave me a better idea how they should run the education system for the state.  I was lucky a wonderful agency paid for me to go but the other people in the class said the class was about $500.  Then there was the test done by a center certified by the state which cost $90.  Now how does this work with public education?  Here is how by giving each student a quarter of what they spend per graduating pupil of $3882.13 or half what was spent per pupil in 2006 of only $3672.50.  How would this work?  It would be slowly implemented with parents applying to have there kids in the program.  The first 10% of parents get there kids in the program and are sent the check.  This would give teachers the opportunity to set up schools to or find other employment.  The best teachers would be setting up the schools for less then the check to prepare kids for the test.  With a plan to have it fully implemented in 10 years  as the education for everyone more and more teachers would do this.  For children to get there next check they must pass a test at a state certified center which costs $90 each time they take it. The children can take the test for each grade every three months if they like but must wait a month to retest if they fail.  Passing would be 60%  in each given area with a 70% over all for each grade.  There score would also be there grade for the course.  Kids that aren't good test takers could leave the state and kids who are great test takers would move in.  By allowing children to finish earlier it would raise graduation rates and college rates.  In this system a child could start kindergarten at 4 and a half and graduate at 8 now most kids aren't that smart but why hold back those who are.  That smart kid finishing school at 8 could have a doctors degree by 16.  This would take Nevada from bottom to top. While other states have kids in high school our kids would be teaching college and being doctors.   The money saved could go to scholarships and the university system.  I hope someone can share this with the Governor.  Thanks for reading.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pot could help not hurt.

I must start by saying I have never smoked marijuana nor do I have any desire to use it at all.  It is estimated that 100 million Americans have used marijuana that is almost 1 in 3.  It is less addictive then alcohol with about a 9% for marijuana compared to 15%  for alcohol.  With this it is estimated about 9 million regularly use marijuana in spite of it being illegal, because of this the government spends an estimated $10.7 billion on law enforcement to fight it.  In addition to this marijuana is estimated at being a $113 billion a year business that goes to fund criminals.  Now if that was taxed at just 10% would be an additional $11.3 billion.  Between the cost saving in law enforcement and additional tax is another $22 billion.  It also would give more room in prisons for the increase in fraud caused by the new smoking law I talked about in my last post.  Implying the same rule of not giving government help to those who used marijuana.  This could be maybe a forth of cigarettes smokers if it did that would be another $55 billion.  Those are low estimates at $77 billion from making marijuana legal.  Between my last post and this post I showed how to save nearly $300 billion and hurt few.  Thank you for reading please share.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Charity up in smoke

In the 2012 budget projection 58% of the national budget will go to entitlement programs.  These programs often help the elderly and the needy because they help so many they are viewed as a sacred cow when tax time comes around.  This makes balancing the budget very difficult.  They made a big deal of cutting $36 billion but my plan could cut close to $222 billion or more and is just a new way to stop smoking.  At this point in time 20% of this country smokes and 31% of those under the poverty line. So my idea is to set a date by which to quit after which date if you still smoke you loose eligibility for all government programs.  using the low 20% and predicting this law makes 50% of smokers quit that still gives a 5.8% cut or with the budget for 2012 of $3.818 trillion about $221.444 billion.  It has taken 40 years for the last 50% drop in smoking from 40% to 20% so that is a very fair estimate. I believe this isn't just a way to work towards balancing the budget but also is a way to hopefully help more smokers quit then ever before.  Government programs are a form of charity which should be respected by those who receive them and if they don't respect them and the taxpayers who pay for them enough to give up smoking they must not need them much. With my low estimate at over $200 billion to be disrespected bothers me and should bother you.  Thanks for reading and please share this post and my site.  

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I had the opportunity today to study the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:15-30.  This parable which i have studied before taught my something new.  As anyone who studies the bible what you read often helps you understand something in your life.  In the pillars I spoke of the different things we may be blessed with to become successful and reading the parable of the talents just brought me back to that.  Those of you who have not read the parable it is about three servants.  Each servant is entrusted with a number of talents which was a form of money at the time.  The first was given five the second was given two and the third was given one.  The master expects each to increase how many talents they have for when he returns.  The first two find a way to take there talents risk them and through that risk double there money.  The third one hid his talent because he wanted to make sure he had it to return to the master.  When the master returned he was very pleased with the first two and very disappointed in the third one.  He was so disappointed he ended up giving it to the servant who has the most.  This shows how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  I believe we are all blessed with talents some only one or two some five.  How many we are blessed with is not as important as what we do with them.  The problem is so many people in this country are like the last servant and call to punish the first and second guy.  The third guy had it much harder then the first getting one talent instead of five.  The second guy is the one i want to focus on though.  He got two talents not much more then the third guy and  was able to go far and please the master.  We should try to be like that second man and work on our talents so we can have success.  Socialism is for the last guy who is described as wicked and slothful.  Do we want to be a wicked and slothful country?  Do we want to promote a class of people despised by the most loving person to live on the planet?   I would say no to both of these but more and more that is what our politicians are pushing towards.  Please stand up for a change.  Get the government out of our lives and god into them.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The final pillar beauty

Beauty is an interesting pillar because it changes with time and culture.  If you have the right look for your time you can use it to get anywhere.  Anyone who has watched America's next top model often you will see a lot of the girls only have there looks.  Shallow Hal showed the hard part of not having this pillar though at the end it showed how sadly looks can make someone turn ugly inside.  Then there are the beautiful people who dont relize they are beautiful so they throw there beauty away.  This is the hardest pillar to navigate to.  Thank you for reading the pillars if you have one I missed let me know

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

intelligence the fifth pillar

This pillar has produced many of the greatest men in history.  This is the other pillar that alone is not enough.  Intelligence I see in two parts.  The first part is your ability to learn, this is luck of genetics.  The second part is desire to learn, this is something you must work on your entire life. If you are intelligent or very intelligent but not successful see what other pillar you can work on to get there.  I have met many intelligent people who want to use there intelligence to save the world and loose themselves in the process.  If every person uses there talents to make there life better they would find they had more to help solve the worlds problems.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The fourth pillar where you come from

This is a pillar that on its own will not be enough.  This entails a lot because it is not only how well off your family is it is also the person they teach you to be.  As expressed in movies like Billy Madison and Arthur being from high society can back fire. Though if taught right it produces people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.  Though i put this pillar more because it is often said the rich get richer and the other saying a fool and his money are soon parted.  In this day and age where you come from matters more then ever.  So if you are born to means don't squander it and if not use strong work ethic to make up for it.  

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The third pillar

The third pillar is person ability.  This is another pillar like hard work which you develop.  This pillar is the ability to get along with and work with others.  I see this as a lazy mans secret to success.  This is talked about in the book How to make friends and influence people by Carnegie.  It is a skill if perfected can get others to do everything for and be thankful for the opportunity.  Sadly this is the pillar used by politicians to make people thankful they are messing up there life.  If you have this pillar you need the government the least.   Please share your thoughts.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

pillar 2

The second pillar is health which in tales a lot and is something you are born with and very hard to improve and easy to mess up by choices or bad luck.  In this I include athleticism and your voice as well as not becoming ill or having a debilitating condition.  Like the last pillar this alone can give you a good life. If you never call in sick and never go to the doctor you will save and make more.  I included athleticism and voice though these are great talents to have they must be coupled with hard work to take you anywhere. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The six pillars

I have found 6 things that make people successful.  My next six posts will go over each of these.  The first and most important is work ethic.  If you have this you will be successful. What makes this one so important is it is very uncommon.  I myself do have it though i was lucky enough to have a father who epitomized it.  He was born with balled feet unable to walk.  He had many surgeries to gain the ability to walk but it still hurts each step he takes.  This did not stop him from working hard his entire life.  He lived in rural Idaho to a large family that didn't have a lot.  So when he was 14 he started helping on his uncles farm to help his family.  He worked hard from that point on to pay his way through college.  He moved to California to use his work ethic and it helped him to give our family a good life.  I hope someday to gain my fathers work ethic.  check in next week for the next pillar.  thanks for reading!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Everyone should be a libertarian

I am editing this cause it is my most viewed post.  Why should everyone be a libertarian because the other two parties each have problems.  The republicans are for super rich who want to force there morals on others.  I was a republican till I realized I wasn't rich enough.  The democrats are for people who are worthless.  That isn't to say all democrats are worthless but they are not informed.  I have met many democrats who are great and each time I do I wonder why.