Thursday, June 2, 2011

Freedom isn't free so why do we pay for abortions?

I grew up very pro life though not understanding why other then my faith saw life starting in the womb.  Now this post is about meeting in the middle with the pro choice.  The federal government spends about a billion dollars on abortions and funding for places that offer abortions each year.  This should have even pro choice groups up in arms.  What should make us all even more bothered is that the health care bill has even more funding for this.  If you feel making it illegal won't work as I do or feel that doing so is taking away women's rights then here is a better solution.  First stop the government funding that saves a billion.  Second add a tax for the privilege of doing something that many regard as murder or wrong in some way as they have for smoking and drinking.  I would suggest a $2000 per abortion.  With last years abortions at nearly a million if these new regulations cut that number in half the new tax would generate another billion in addition to the billion saved from not paying for abortions.  The third part is that anyone who has an abortion looses eligibility for entitlement programs.  As of 2009 the us population was at 307,006,550 a half million is about 0.0016% of the population.  Using the 58% spent on entitlement programs the half million get about 0.000928% of the budget or with the budget of $3.818 trillion that is about $3.5 billion.  That is a total of $5.5 billion in savings to help stop abortion.  Some may say this will lead to unwanted children I will address this in my next post.  Thanks for reading read again soon. 

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