Friday, September 30, 2011

Back for #8

Hope you enjoyed my other posts while you waited for the countdown.  Michigan is number 8 with a savings of 3.17 billion dollars.  Though another state spends more then its 27.4 billion its smoking rate of 23.2% put it in the number 8 position.  See if you can guess number 9.   Good luck.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kids not growing up fast enough

Kids are growing up to fast in all the wrong places and none of the right ways.  I have wonderful parents who gave me an opportunity to do a paper route with my dad at 14.  I got my first real job at 17 and was working full time at 18 which because of our broken education system was appropriate.  I pointed out in my post on education how some would finish school at 12 to 14.  With the problem of no cheap work force children are the answer.  China has many kids working as young as 8.  With the prisoner working program we wont need them to work at 8 but lowering the age to 10 would be a good idea.  With giving kids more responsibility we should also give more freedom.  Allow smoking at 10, drinking and getting married at 12.  Joining the military and drinking at 13.  Buying a home and entering contracts at 16.  By allowing them to grow up faster we get to take advantage of the new baby boom that started about 6 years ago.  While they were young and still living at home they could save and work towards better jobs so when they moved out they would be starting better then those moving out now.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Paying your debt to society part 3

To finish up on death matches it is a choice so it is not cruel or unusual punishment.  Now with bringing up a right protected by the constitution punishment must be carefully considered.   So is it cruel or unusual to ask criminals to do what the rest of us must?  In the bad economy we have seen more and more homeless and hungry but the prisoners have a roof over there head and 3 meals a day.  I feel they should earn that.  If they dont work they dont get food and must have more in each room.  The hardest and best workers get better treatment.  There pay would be low bringing down the cost of making things in America.  They would have an hourly wage set and a cost of living and the hours they work determins how well they live.  Criminals are people and need a purpose rather then just learning to be better criminals.  Soon to be back to states smoking.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who got 7?

Number 7 has a larger population then 4 or 5 it is Illinois with 22.2% smoking.  They spend 38.4 billion on entitlements.  There savings is about 4.26 billion.  Now I am taking a couple days to write other things but keep checking in to see who is #8.

Monday, September 26, 2011

#6 is a give me

Florida was farther down the list then I thought it would be but if you have been following the list you had to expect it with a population of nearly 19 million it is the 4th most populated state.  Though they only spend 44.1 billion on entitlements and a smoking rate of 20.2% and your state is two down from where most would think at a savings of 4.45 billion.  See if you can guess number 7 mabey make a family game out of it check tomorrow to see who wins.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Were you guessing florida for #5

Sorry you were wrong.  With its high population I thought it would be 4th then it wasnt fifth either that went to Pennsylvania with just under 13 million residents it spends 44.9 billion on entitlements add that to a 22.7% smoking rate and the saving go crazy.  5.09 billion dollars.  Lets see if you can get #6 tommorow.  Good Luck

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A surprising number 4

I was surprised to find Ohio as # 4 for savings.  It is because of a smoking rate of 25.8% and entitlements of 42.8 billion.  The savings would be 5.52 billion.  See if you can guess #6

Friday, September 23, 2011

Texas number 3

With a smoking rate of 20.4% and 55 billion it would save 5.61 billion.  You may be surprised by #4 see if you can guess.  Find out tomorrow.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

State number 2

New York is the state that could save the second most.  Only 19.9% of the state but because it spends 99.2 billion on entitlements it would save 9.78 billion each year.  See if you can guess what number three is and check tomorrow if you are correct.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

smoking by state

A lot has been going on in my life so it has been a while since I last wrote so I decided to do for each state how much they could save by cutting there entitlements to smokers.  I will do it by which state would save the most to the state that would save the least.  I got the % of smokers from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the spending from .  I counted pension, health care and welfare as entitlements.  I also figured it as though half smokers quit.  It may come as no surprise that though it  has a low % of smokers of only 14.7% because it spends 136.9 billion dollars and would be able to save just over 10 billion.  Check tomorrow if your state comes next.