Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Abstinence there's another billion

 I was a virgin till marriage,  I would like to tell you it was because I have high moral fortitude but that would be a lie.  I had all the outside help a person could ask for great parent, church and a program at school to push abstinence.  Though these things were nice I would have had sex had the opportunity arisen in spite of the consequences.  What kept me from having sex was i was so fat, ugly and annoying I was six times more likely to win the lottery then get laid.  So why share this on a political blog because I found out a few days ago that the government spends a billion dollars a year on abstinence programs.  If these programs worked to keep kids from having sex and by doing so keeping down teen pregnancy and abortion it may be worth it.  Sadly 50% of Americans have sex before marriage.  As some who falls into this category I bet another 45% don't have a chance so maybe 5% make a decision to abstain.  If that 5% all were caused by the abstinence programs would you spend a billion on anything that only worked 5% of the time.  I propose a better option is to save the billion dollars and have better ways to take care of these children born to teens and stop the abortions they have these I will talk about in my next post.  Thank you for reading check in soon to see new posts.

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