Sunday, May 15, 2011


I had the opportunity today to study the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:15-30.  This parable which i have studied before taught my something new.  As anyone who studies the bible what you read often helps you understand something in your life.  In the pillars I spoke of the different things we may be blessed with to become successful and reading the parable of the talents just brought me back to that.  Those of you who have not read the parable it is about three servants.  Each servant is entrusted with a number of talents which was a form of money at the time.  The first was given five the second was given two and the third was given one.  The master expects each to increase how many talents they have for when he returns.  The first two find a way to take there talents risk them and through that risk double there money.  The third one hid his talent because he wanted to make sure he had it to return to the master.  When the master returned he was very pleased with the first two and very disappointed in the third one.  He was so disappointed he ended up giving it to the servant who has the most.  This shows how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  I believe we are all blessed with talents some only one or two some five.  How many we are blessed with is not as important as what we do with them.  The problem is so many people in this country are like the last servant and call to punish the first and second guy.  The third guy had it much harder then the first getting one talent instead of five.  The second guy is the one i want to focus on though.  He got two talents not much more then the third guy and  was able to go far and please the master.  We should try to be like that second man and work on our talents so we can have success.  Socialism is for the last guy who is described as wicked and slothful.  Do we want to be a wicked and slothful country?  Do we want to promote a class of people despised by the most loving person to live on the planet?   I would say no to both of these but more and more that is what our politicians are pushing towards.  Please stand up for a change.  Get the government out of our lives and god into them.

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